Monday, 30 April 2007

Musings of a deeni nature...

Whatever we sow here in this world, we reap in the hereafter.

Allah (subahana hu wa ta'ala) says

:فَمَن يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ خَيْرًا يَرَهُ وَمَن يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ شَرًّا يَرَهُ
Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it! And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it. (99:7-8)

The spirit of a Muslim, his longing for Allah, his yearning for jannah, compels him to use his every moment in a way that earns His pleasure. But our every moment instead, is filled with inanities, gossip, and all the other important things we fill our time with.

My previous post reminded me of something I'd like to share with you though, something that our ulema have highlighted, something so easy and effortless that it's hard to give it any importance, but as the ayah above tells us, even a tiny good deed will not go forgotten or be wasted. They will all count towards our final goal.

It was just out of curiosity that I picked up that magazine but I managed to gain a deeni benefit from it: it helped me to appreciate the command of hijab. Likewise, many things that we do can be changed into a good deed, a hasana, if we simply pay a bit of attention to our intentions before we carry them out.

Let me explain. Living in England, we have to spend six precious hours in the dingy corridors of school, but instead of going just because it's the law (or because your mum/dad wakes you with chappal in hand every morning), study with the intention that you will benefit the Muslim Ummah with the knowledge you gain. You have to do it anyway, so why not get your right-side angel going while you're at it.

When you work your socks off before the exams for those high grades, mentally make the intention that you want to up the respect of the Muslim community through them. It's dunya and aakhirah simultaneously.

Things that appear mundane and useless deen-wise can be turned into lucrative good deeds just by checking your intention.

Before you crash into bed at night, think 'I'm taking rest to refresh my body for another days ibadah'.

Before you gobble up the parathey, wait (say bismillah of course, but I'm thinking you know that already) and make the intention that you eat to provide yourself with energy so you can be vigorous in following your deen.

When you read the news, look especially for stories about Muslims, with the intention that you will make dua for them. (I sometimes have a look through the tabloids, remembering to appreciate how the teachings of Islam protect us from such lowlifery!)

Learn to drive, but with the thought that it will enable you to travel to Mosques and for other deeni needs.

Be very careful though, some things just cannot be moulded into deen, however much Shaytan helps you.

For example, a friend of mine once said 'I'm going to model modest clothes just so Muslim girls will know you can still look glamorous wearing them!' No, I'm not joking, it's a real quote. A haraam act will never be permissible whatever the intention you have. Just as in man-made law, you won't get away with speeding, even if it was so you could see your ailing auntie and you'll still get a ticket for parking on a double yellow line even though you meant to pick up some litter. In Islam a sin is a sin no matter how good your intention.

This also applies to listening to nasheeds with instruments, just so you can wean yourself off pop songs. It is simply replacing one type of music with another type of music. The ulema of Deoband have opposed music vehemently, and called the Sufi's who allow it as misguided.

Volume 7, Book 69, Number 494v:
Narrated Abu 'Amir or Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari:
that he heard the Prophet saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful...Allah will destroy them during the night and will let the mountain fall on them..'

Saturday, 28 April 2007

In the post today...

Well not exactly, this isn't a post about my post, but more specifically a catalogue that arrived today from some High Street shop, I think H&M.

In my experience, there is nothing in a High Street shop that could remotely be of any interest to me, since I am completely averse to this fusion chic thats going around amongst the Muslim youth, where they wear shirt-dresses upon jumpers upon jeans upon trainers (no wonder it's called the 'layered look') but I admit I do get impressed at the way that these pieces of western attire, obviously NOT targeted at these lot, is turned so expertly into a paragon of modesty. So Islamically, I suppose there's nothing wrong, just a matter of taste (or lack of in my opinion).

Still, out of curiosity, I flicked through. Splashed over the first few pages was a model in a bikini, quickly flicked it over and was met with the same sight. True to form, on every subsequent page there was a similar woman modelling...well...almost nothing. Of course I abandoned it straight away ( Some females are under the false impression that they're only women so it should be ok, but the fact is that the thighs are 'satr' so its haraam to let your gaze fall on them, man or woman).

The word 'degrading' came to my mind as I put it away. Allah's (subhanahu wa ta'ala) command to believing women that they should 'draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty' (24:31) is so beautiful, so full of benevolence to his slaves that it is hard to describe.

Now the average non-Muslim will just retort 'how is that degradation, they are there by choice'
but of course it is, these particular models are there by choice, but the legions of western women have no choice but to follow the fashion and the culture that these clothes create and wear such things, emulate the 'style' that is being promoted by these people and it is obvious for all to see that when they don't, they lose all chance of success in this society. Its only the women of course who has to 'display their beauty' to get anywhere, for men it's completely irrevelent.

We see it everywhere. For a job interview, a woman's chances are hugely dependant on how she looks. A friend of mine was told to 'pretty herself up' for her job in Boots! For a measly job like that, she was told to make sure she put her make-up on everyday!

I don't know about you but I always think of Carol Vorderman. I remember her from countdown when she used to wear loose-fitting trousers, full sleeves, and a smart jacket. All very modest. Her profile rocketed though after her 'new look' and I'm relying on you to remember because i'm not providing any pictures, she lost weight, wore stilettos loads more and showed loads more leg and bust. Look at this, but it's from 1999 which details her change and is predicted not to be a good omen.,,321599,00.html

Now though she is one of the most highest paid faces on TV.

I couldn't think of a more pertinent illustration of what women have to do to make their mark in the West, all because they refuse to see the wisdom behind the revelation that the Prophet received, the command to practise hijab.