For conversation the Prophet (peace be upon him) has stipulated conditions:
This is so the third person does not feel left out and uncomfortable, and when a fourth person comes, they have been given permission: if he feels like a chat he can talk to this person and if not, then at least he won't feel that he is the one that is being snubbed by the first two. Maybe it's this fourth person who they can't divulge their exchange to, and the fourth person will in turn have this thought about the third and there will be no bad feelings.
SubhanAllah! This is the miracle of Prophethood, that Muhammad rasool Allah (peace be upon him), despite having so many other engagements, did not ignore even the subtletest of social decorum. Is this possible from a non-Prophet? Never. It was upon seeing this comprehensiveness that the disbelievers of Makkah said to the Companions ' Your Friend teaches you everything even how to go the toilet!' They said this mockingly but the Companions answered 'Yes he has forbidden us from facing the Qibla when we go, and not to use our rights hands, to purify at least three times and not to use coal or bone for it'(Muslim and Ahmad). Hearing this the disbelievers were astonished and saw that such perfect and refined teachings can only be acquired from a Higher source.
I mean, is there anything like this elsewhere? A religion that has even organised the way it's followers go the toilet!
For cleanliness, the rule is:
When any of you wake up from sleep then he should not place his hands in a he does not know where his hands have been during the night (Bukhari and Muslim)
This is organisation and these are rules. He also says 'Clean the front of your houses'. SubhanAllah! When we are ordered to keep our front yards clean then imagine how important it must be to keep the insides of our houses clean. And then, when keeping the house clean is so emphasised then of course our own bodies are a priority as well. By that, we can see then that purity of our hearts and souls is paramount since it is what makes us righteous. (This is the aim of Tasawwuf and correct Sufism).
Nowadays though, we have erased this lesson from our minds so completely that if someone is seen to be paying attention to cleanliness and order around him then he is accused of being influenced by Christianity!
So once in a Mosque in Madras, a new Muslim who was an Englishman came to do wudhu and saw that the plughole was choked with dirt. He took a few pails of water and washed it out and said to the others 'Friends, clean out these places from time to time, look how unsightly it is' and what did they say to that? 'Looks like you still have Christian tendencies'!
Is this a way to behave? If something Islamic has been taken up by another people then does it cease to be part of Islam?! How much shall I enumerate the way Shariah regulates our activities? The Prophet (peace be upon him) said
None of you should say 'I am abominable' but rather should say 'I feel unsettled' (Bukhari and Muslim)
SubhanAllah! The Prophet (peace be upon him) has even taught us how to speak! A Muslim can never be abominable and so he told us not to demean ourselves in that way, but instead, if we feel depressed, we should just say that we are unsettled. Look at how he has taken care of our lives, expounding on everything. Organization and good manners are our traits, if some other society take these up it does not mean we follow them : They are following us.
About the tip on talking in private when there are three persons, that varies from culture to culture. It is not necessary that the third person should feel bad about being left out. There are ways to seek his permission and have a private chat between the other two. I'd be careful about thinking this as a timeless and spaceless teaching.
And I do not take any pride in over-specifying details by any religion. I see that as a draw back- a stifling feature.
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